Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of National Lampoon Magazine

Stack o' NatLamps

I’ve Been Blogged

March 2, 2002 | Permalink | Comments: None »

Mark’s Very Large National Lampoon Site now has a more flexible system for delivering you, the crazed and aging NatLamp fan, the latest information about this site and the world of National Lampoon.

It’s a spiffy little content management system for weblogs (also known as “blogs”) called Movable Type. If you’ve never heard of “blogs” or “content management systems,” don’t worry. The main thing is that I will be able to update Mark’s Very Large National Lampoon Site in a simpler and more timely fashion. At least in theory.

More Dispatches from London

November 5, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

Bobby London informed me that there were still more factual errors about him on the Answers page. They are now corrected. (Thanks Bobby, and sorry it’s taken so long.) Incidently, there is now an official Dirty Duck website.

John Bendel News

November 4, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

John Bendel, editor of National Lampoon‘s popular True Facts section from 1978 to 1992, is alive and well and living in New Jersey. Nowadays, he makes a living as a technology writer. For a while, he maintained a personal web site about life and politics in New Jersey. It’s still up, but he hasn’t updated it in a while. Update: Not anymore.

Lemmings Available on CD

November 3, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

National Lampoon Lemmings was recently released for the first time on CD on the Decca Broadway label. This classic cast recording of National Lampoon’s best-known off-Broadway show has been out of print since the ’70s. The team that produced the CD did a great job of not messing with a good thing and included all the original liner notes and photos unaltered (albeit at less than half their original size). There is a great reminiscence by cast member Alice Playten (Pizza Man, Megadeath groupie) on the site apparently to promote the release. Update: iClassics appears to have disappeared.

New Bruce McCall Book

November 2, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

Cover of "The Last Dream-O-Rama"Bulgemobile Fans Rejoice! “The Last Dream-O-Rama: The Cars Detroit Forgot to Build, 1950-1960” by Bruce McCall has just been published by Crown. This book picks up where McCall’s “Bulgemobile” articles left off.

If you want to check out the original articles: “The ’58 Bulgemobiles” (“So All-fired New, They Make Tomorrow Seem Like Yesterday!”) first appeared in the April ’72 (“25th” Anniversary) issue. It also appeared in the National Lampoon Best of #1 anthology (1972), and the Tenth Anniversary Anthology (1979). “The 1946 Bulgemobiles” (“New… from the tires down!”) in the April ’79 (April Fool) issue; “The 1934 Bulgemobiles” (“The new cars that say, ‘Get out of my way!'”) in the May ’74 (“50th” Anniversary) issue; and “The 1906 Bulge-Buggy” (“The Contraption of Merit”) in the April ’75 (Car Sickness) issue. All the Bulgemobile articles also appear in “Zany Afternoons,” an anthology of Bruce McCall’s humor published by Knopf (1982) and reprinted in 1999 by Barnes and Noble.

McCall’s work is brilliant and, in fact, it was his “’58 Bulgemobiles” article that got me hooked on National Lampoon in the first place. A sampling of his work, including many of his more recent pieces, can be seen on the James Goodman Gallery site from a 1999 exhibit. Update: The Goodman Gallery site no longer exists.

Future of National Lampoon Unclear

November 1, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

When we last left Natty Lamp, J2 board member Daniel Laikin was poised to take over J2 Communications with big plans to restore the humor icon to its former glory and a June 30 deadline to come up with the cash or bust. It is now November and the deadline has long passed, but the deal has not died. The deadline was extended several times, most recently to November 15. I can only guess what state of limbo the current staff finds itself in. For more detailed and up-to-date info, check out J2 Communications news on Yahoo! FinanceUpdate: According to an announcement on November 19, the deal is dead and J2 is now seeking other buyout offers. Meanwhile, Laikin and his partners have filed a lawsuit against J2 and J2 has filed a counter suit. It’s not clear what all of this means to the future of National Lampoon, but it is hard to see how it will help.

Douglas Adams, R.I.P. 

May 5, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

I know, he never wrote anything for National Lampoon, although he was the subject of parody once in the magazine. Nevertheless, for anyone with a sense of humor his passing is a cause for sadness. On the bright side, his website is still up. News

May 4, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

In the months since my rather lukewarm review last October, appears to be getting better. In fact, I would say that it has now clearly risen above the abysmal level of the final print issue (November 1998). They are even up for a Webby this year. There is still a lot of room for improvement, particularly in the looks department.

I had a chance the other day to speak with Scott Rubin, the editor-in-chief, and it sounds like they are really trying hard, though their resources are more meager than one would expect for such an ambitious and high-profile venture.

He says one of the advantages they have over the old print version is lead time. In the old days, stories would appear in the magazine at least two months after they were written, seriously hampering the topicality of the humor. On the Web, articles can be available online almost as soon as they are finished.

Scott finds comparisons to The Onion frustrating. National Lampoon was doing news story parodies in its News On The March section long before The Onion, yet the popularity of The Onion(not to mention National Lampoon‘s being a bit late to the dot-com party) has meant that has had to be careful not to be perceived as an imitator.

 Scott, it turns out, is as big a fan of National Lampoon‘s golden era as any visitor to this site. The Flashbacks section has been very popular, but getting permission to run old material has often turned out to be a nightmare. In many cases, especially if the author or artist was a freelancer, can’t simply scan it and put it on the site. Past articles that were written by staffers are the property of National Lampoon, but those by freelancers belong to the freelancers. This is as it should be. The problem is that many of the copyright holders (particularly cartoonists) for whatever reason have refused to allow to run their stuff. It’s a sad situation, and not uncommon in the publishing business. If you’re wondering when they will ever put every issue of National Lampoon on CD-ROM (like Mad magazine did) now you know why it hasn’t happened yet.

 (Reading back issues of the magazine, you would think that all those guys were pals who loved to hang around together and are all off somewhere enjoying their retirement talking about the good old days at the ‘poon. The truth is that many of the people who worked on the magazine never even met and the ones who did work together often ended up hating each other’s guts. Some of them are still bitter over stuff that happened twenty or thirty years ago. I know because I have heard from some of them.)

The biggest problem with (and things National Lampoon in general) has been with the management at J2 Communications, the owner of National Lampoon.

But this may be about to change. Daniel Laikin, one of J2’s board members, is in the process of taking over the company. If everything goes as planned, Jim Jimirro will step down as CEO and the company will change its name to National Lampoon.

 Laikin sounds very bullish, according to an article that appeared on in March (If you want to read the article, see Late March in their Archive section. It’s about a quarter of the way down the page. Linking directly doesn’t seem to work.) and plans to re-establish ties to former contributors and other people involved in the magazine, movies, and other ventures. Mr. Laikin has even contacted me (!) recently to say that he plans to renew the connection to Harvard Lampoon. He also says they will probably not be back in the magazine business, but that they haven’t closed the door to that possibility.

Will it happen? I certainly hope so. This could be one of the best things to happen to National Lampoon in a very long time.

National Lampoon Radio Hour Returning to the Air

May 3, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

XM Satellite Radio has acquired rights to all the National Lampoon Radio Hour shows and will begin airing them on a regular basis late this summer. More details when they are available.

Errata From London

May 2, 2001 | Permalink | Comments: None »

Bobby London has informed me of some factual errors about him on the Answers page. They are now corrected. (I got the bogus information from Matty Simmons’ book. I’m getting the impression he wasn’t too big on details.)

Mark's Very Large Plug. You might think, as you wade through this site, that I have no life. Not true. I spend about two days a year working on Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site. The rest of the time I make fonts. You can see my real website here. I also have an “art” website where I post caricatures and other stuff. For Lampoon-related stuff and site updates, follow me on X (Twitter). Also, check out my YouTube channel, where I post videos related to National Lampoon.

Original material (excluding quoted material) © 1997-2024 Mark Simonson.
Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site is not affiliated with National Lampoon or National Lampoon Inc.
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