Interesting discussion about National Lampoon over at The Comics Journal discussion board last month, spurred by a job posting by National Lampoon Press. Update: Unfortunately, that link has gone dead.

Lampoon Discussed at Comics Journal
January 9, 2006 | Permalink | Comments: None »
Belushi Podcast
November 21, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
Jesse Thorn, host and producer of The Sound of Young America radio show, dropped me a line to say that his recent interview with Judith Belushi Pisano and Tanner Colby, authors of the recently released biography of John Belushi (see the previous item below), can be heard over the internet (link). It’s nearly an hour long and features John Belushi performances from National Lampoon Radio Hour and Saturday Night Live. (Note: You don’t need an iPod to listen to a podcast. It should play right from your web browser when you click on the link.) Update: The linked material has vanished from the ether.
Holy Moses!
November 11, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
Every so often I hear from someone who was affiliated with National Lampoon in one way or another. The most recent is Andy Moses, an erstwhile comic actor who appeared in the stage production of That’s Not Funny, That’s Sick! Andy is alive and well and living in New York City with his wife and cats. After getting out of the acting business, he became a bartender, a diamond salesman, a chef, and a partner in a comic book store. He still hangs out with some of the old NatLamp players, including the talented Paul Jacobs.
Andy notes that he and Sarah Durkee (another light of the NatLamp stage) wrote and performed CBS Radio’s Almost Comedy Hour. It aired in June of 1983 and also featured Louise Gikow as a writer (who also played organ as part of a kiddie show parody). Guest host was Don Novello (a.k.a., Father Guido Sarducci) with guests Franken and Davis, Firesign Theatre, and (surprisingly) Milton Berle, who appeared in a Nick Danger sketch with Firesign Theatre.
Andy also appeared in the magazine several times. In the March 1978 (Crime and Punishment) issue, he appeared in a mug shot in the John Hughes piece “Random, Pointless, Senseless Crimes” as Cousins Molockney, wanted for mailing dog feces. In the December 1978 (Food & Festivity) issue, he is featured in a Foto Funny about a guy who gives a quarter to a bum who turns out to be the Postal Fairy, and gives him a job at the post office for Christmas. He appeared in the February 1979 (Heterosexuality) issue cavorting with other nude people (including Rodger Bumpass and Oui model Margie Beck) in “A Visit to Nero’s Pleasure Palace.” (He made a few more appearances in the magazine, but I haven’t tracked them all down.)
Thanks for the update, Andy!
Big Blue Belushi Book
November 7, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
Rugged Land has just published Belushi: A Biography by Judith Belushi Pisano and Tanner Colby. This is a very big book filled with photos, many never published before, and page after page of reminiscences and anecdotes by the people who knew and worked with John Belushi during his brief but brilliant career. His excesses are not left out, but this book is a tribute, not an exposé. The book is organized chronologically, starting with his childhood in Chicago, through college, Second City, National Lampoon’s Lemmings, the Radio Hour, Saturday Night Live, Animal House, the Blues Brothers, and other movies, up to his death in 1982. Most people know him for Saturday Night Live, but he was a central figure in most of National Lampoon’s non-magazine ventures, and not only as a performer.
It’s rather surprising that it’s taken so long for a book like this to be published. Other books have been written about Belushi, but they tend to focus on what went wrong. This one is about what went right and what made him such a unique talent. If you’re a fan, there’s no question: Ya gotta get it.
If You Don’t Read This Item, I’ll Kill This Blog
October 19, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
The Society of Magazine Editors has selected the top magazine covers of the last 40 years and the cover of the January 1973 (Death) issue (“If You Don’t Buy This Magazine, We’ll Kill This Dog”) made the top ten. For such a memorable and oft parodied cover, this does not surprise me. Michael C. Gross, who art directed the cover, commented, “No shit!…wow.” Congrats to Mike, Ed Bluestone (whose idea it was), and photographer Ronald G. Harris. To those who did not buy the issue, how can you sleep knowing that an innocent dog’s life could have been saved but for your selfish indifference?
Kids Say the Darndest Things
October 11, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
When I heard the title of Jessica Hendra’s book, “How to Cook Your Daughter,”
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it. The title is taken from the title of a story by her father, Tony Hendra, that appeared in the July 1971 (Kids) issue. I had heard about, but not followed, the story that broke this last summer in The New York Times in which she revealed that her father’s bestselling and critically praised book, “Father Joe,” which purports to be a confessional of a lifetime of sins, neglected to include his sexual abuse of her as a child.
Could it be true? I didn’t really want to know. It’s not the kind of thing I enjoy reading or hearing about. When I first read the “How to” story in National Lampoon many years ago, it read like a sexual fantasy. That in itself was disturbing, but surely that was the intended effect; “nothing sacred,” and all that. It’s so sick, it’s funny, right? Yet, it made me wonder what kind of relationship this guy had with his daughter.
So, when I got a “heads up” email about the book and I saw the title, I realized my worst suspicions would probably be confirmed. With a considerable amount of apprehension, I got hold of a copy and read it.
I don’t think “enjoyable” is the appropriate word to use for a book like this, but I found her story very compelling and well-written. The undercurrent of sexual abuse is always present, sometimes far in the background, sometimes front and center, but the book also expresses Jessica’s love and admiration for her father, as contradictory as that sounds. Tony comes off as a talented genius with some rather tragic flaws. She portrays him not as a monster, but as a human being.
There are many stories in the book about Lampoon staffers’ frequent visits to the Hendras’ house in New Jersey. I don’t think I’ve ever read another account that made them such flesh and blood creatures as this book. Much of the book reads like a child’s account of growing up with the National Lampoon, with fascinating behind-the-scenes stories (such as the fact that she and her sister Kathy used to sing songs from “Lemmings” the way other kids sang songs from “The Little Mermaid”).
In spite of my admiration for many of the things Tony Hendra has done and written over the years, particularly his book “Going Too Far,” I have to sadly admit that, after reading the book, I find Jessica’s story believable. It’s a bit extreme to go public with such a story of private shame and abuse, but it appears that it was her father’s own actions—and inactions—that ultimately led her to do it.
If you are a fan of National Lampoon‘s “golden age,” I would definitely recommend this book, in spite of the horrible story that precipitated and permeates it.
One For the Art Experts
August 10, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
Some years ago, National Lampoon sold art prints signed by Sam Gross of his famous “Frog” cartoon. (You know the one—a woman looking at a menu in a French restaurant turns to see a forlorn, legless frog wheeling itself out of the kitchen on a cart below a sign that reads “Try Our Frogs Legs.”) Inquiring minds want to know: What’s it worth?
Department of Corrections
July 26, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
For those who care, I have re-written my answer to the question about the 1979 HBO special “Disco Beaver From Outer Space” which was produced by National Lampoon. I hadn’t seen this until recently. I must admit that it has its funny moments, but the overall impression was that it was a little short of the mark. It’s quite possible that the production quality, which is a bit crude by today’s standards, made it more difficult to appreciate. Those who viewed it when first aired probably had a more favorable impression (especially judging from the frequent emails I receive regarding the show). I was surprised to see Michael Simmons (son of former NatLamp publisher Matty Simmons) crooning country western in several of the bits. (Thanks to Michael as well for providing some details about the show.)
He’s Got It Covered
July 6, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
One of the things you won’t find at Mark’s Very Large National Lampoon Site is every cover of National Lampoon. It’s not my intent to chronicle the entire history of the magazine, just the first five years. But have no fear: Robert Winters has posted scans of every single National Lampoon cover from the promising April 1970 (Sex) issue to the appropriately-themed November 1998 (Failure) issue, the magazine’s last.
NYT: The Rise and Fall of National Lampoon
July 3, 2005 | Permalink | Comments: None »
The New York Times today has published a pretty succinct summing up by Jake Tapper of the history of National Lampoon—how it started, where it’s been and where it is now. A sad but true story. (I admit to being one of those fortysomethings mentioned in the article who is rather dismayed at what it’s become.) Read it before it gets moved to the NYT pay-per-view archive. (Thanks to Joe and everyone else for bringing this to my attention.)
Update: Or it may be a sad but not so true story. Read what Matty Simmons has to say about the article.
Further Update: It should be noted that there are some factual errors in Mr. Simmons’ letter, such as the the part about Hendra and Kelly not being among the contributors to early issues (which would be true only if you count the first three as early issues). So, a sad but (as far as I know) true story which some people take issue with. Sometimes I wonder if this site is worth the trouble…
And a Clarification: When I called the NYT article “A sad but true story” above, I was not commenting one way or the other about the factual accuracy of the story (heck, a lot of it was news to me), but rather on the main point of it—that National Lampoon isn’t what it once was.
I have no doubt the NYT did their homework, but I also know that peoples’ memories are not the most reliable things. I only know what I read, and much of what I have read about National Lampoon has turned out later not to be perfectly accurate. I was not there, except as a reader of the magazine. I’m just this guy, you know? In any case, I don’t want my site to turn into a forum for debate about the article. Have a nice day.
Mark's Very Large Plug. You might think, as you wade through this site, that I have no life. Not true. I spend about two days a year working on Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site. The rest of the time I make fonts. You can see my real website here. I also have an “art” website where I post caricatures and other stuff. For Lampoon-related stuff and site updates, follow me on X (Twitter). Also, check out my YouTube channel, where I post videos related to National Lampoon.
Original material (excluding quoted material) © 1997-2024 Mark Simonson.
Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site is not affiliated with National Lampoon or National Lampoon Inc.
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